Hold on to your fanny packs, here we GORV!
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Hold on to your fanny packs, here we GORV!

Hold on to your fanny packs, here we GORV!

Our friends at Go RVing wanted to endear the smaller and more nimble vehicles in their fleet to a younger generation. For a brand that continually looks to innovate and break the mold, partnering with the always-imaginative director Corey Adams was a melding of like-minds.

The campaign was designed to overcome the misconception that RVs are only for an older generation. It exudes excitement, quirkiness, and energy, and was precisely targeted toward younger demographics via social placements. The spots run concurrently with their successful family-focused advertising to emphasize the brand's mission of appealing to all.

And the numbers speak for themselves! Latest data on the campaign shows some big results in digital metrics:

  • Instagram has delivered 25,776,073 impressions and has reached 8,325,539 people.
  • Snapchat has delivered 25,304,692 impressions and has reached 4,514,857 people.
  • Web traffic increased 289 percent week over week within two months.


Canoe Dance (DC) — Corey Adams

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