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Cameron Goold

Cameron Goold

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The Official Vehicle of Nowhere



The Road Less Expected



86 Minutes



Paddle Out

Aston Martin

Aston Martin

Ibex Protocol



Escape The Ordinary

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The road less traveled is often the one most brimming with beauty, discovery, and humanity -- and director Cameron Goold knows it. His work, for clients ranging from Subaru, Land Rover, Visa, Aston Martin, Audi and beyond, explores that sense of adventure and the passionate people who chase it. Wilderness and grit are his element, and he infuses everything he touches with that same untamed spirit.

With wide-eyed curiosity, Cameron aims to create films that both explore and inspire. He specializes in stunning, energetic automotive work, while always tempering his projects with a true respect for the people and locations at the center. He often mixes sweeping landscapes, dynamic camera work, and cinematic style with nuanced emotional beats that bring viewers close into the minds and hearts of his characters.

The next time you're confronted with that fork in the road, watching one of Cameron's films might just be enough to commit to the left turn into the unknown.

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